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No Subject - 3:39am

Sometimes I want to tell my friends and their problems to fuck off.

No Subject - 1:36pm

I'm a guy with emotions, and girls don't take me seriously.

No Subject - 3:14am

I'm addicted to sex. My friends just think I'm a horn-dog who's always DTF. But whatever.

No Subject - 7:08pm

I want to love with my whole heart, but I love myself way too much to give that to someone.

No Subject - 9:25pm

I think maybe 1/10 of my friends (long-time), know me at maybe 80%. It's a shame.

No Subject - 7:55pm

To be honest here. What the fuck is up with men and their feels.

Benz - 5:55pm

My rich friends make me feel like shit.

No Subject - 6:38pm

My intention is to make a better version of myself but I might drink instead.

No Subject - 12:39pm

Is anal really that bad? Or do we like to judge people for fun.

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